一直為退休一事掙扎了很久, 結束一間經營了多年的公司, 由最初只得三數人員至最高峯時的數十人, 公司的架構, 行政, 人事紛紛上了軌道, 做出了業績, 成為行業中的先行者.........真的不容易放手.
考慮了很久, 這數年因年纪關係, 抗壓能力大不如前, 解決問題後感覺身心皆疲, 真怕如此下去身體和情緒健康都會出毛病, 有些猶豫不決, 不知如何是好, 心情極差!
這半年以來, 因國內的房地產生意很差, 明顯影響到室內設計行業, 反而替我做出了決定, 明年新春前後國內分公司關門大吉, 只餘下一間小小的香港顧問公司做過渡, 決定之後, 有一身鬆哂的感覺, 明年是人生新的一頁的開始. ^_^
嗯 ~支持你的決定!
回覆刪除願你享受半退休! 也能漸漸適應比較閒暇的生活!
謝謝小桃, 其實有時間攝影, 行山, 畫畫和種花也不錯, 只要調整心態, 接受現實就可以了....:)
刪除Nothing in this life lasts forever. It's time to let go.
回覆刪除If you are sad about your staff losing their jobs; don't worry. This is the turning point in
their path in life. They will find something better next, it doesn't necessarily be design.
Everything happens for a reason; it is all arranged. Take heart and believe God has a
plan for each and everyone of them.
Take good care of yourself and you will be fine.
Thank you Henry, I will follow my plan, don't worry. Life will be better without all those burden, I really don't enjoy keeping a large company now. Want to relax and enjoy life.
刪除支持支持 , 可以過自己鐘意嘅生活 , 一定好美好呢~!!