前幾天看報, 有一個調查說港人退休後, 每月花費要4.7萬元港幣, 這數字比很多人心目中的大很多; 一般港人預期的退休支出, 是约2萬元左右, 己可達中產水平, 這當然不包括居住的支出;
香港最貴當然是樓價和租金, 如果這問題解決了, 衣, 食和行就簡單得多了; 退休後不用上班, 就不用買新衫, 香港女仕的存貨, 夠用一輩子了! 食更是豐儉由人, 自巳煮食更是所費無幾; 行在香港, 不是問題, 而且退休後有的是時間, 可慢慢享受公共交通服務, 如果不用其他額外支出, 有4.7萬1個月, 享受退休生活是非常不錯了, 並非最低要求呢!
我想除去居住問題,依你所說:衣, 食和行就簡單得多
如果不想太多,生活簡單一點,問題見招拆招也無不可. :)
我都覺得有D誇大咗! ^_^
刪除It depends entirely on your own expectations when you retired.
回覆刪除If you want to enjoy life (as all of us promised ourselves) - do a world cruise, have nice food, buy nice things and see all the wonders of the world, then 4700 will not be enough for a week. There are other ways to enjoy a quiet life rather than spend, spend, spend.
Your mindset and atitude to life matters more than materialism. Prepare yourself well then you will be okay.
Take care
I agree with you, Henry. Retirement means to have a different life-style, you can spend your leisure in learning and discovering things you didn't have time to do before, find out the beauty of life and nature etc, you can control your daily expenses because you don't have to spend a lot on clothings and transportation etc, you can still enjoy your life in a more suble and simple way, if only you can change your atitude from a working person to a retired person, it is all about the mindset....^_^
刪除數字太誇張喇 , 點計都計唔到咁貴呢~!!
回覆刪除有時D所謂調查真係睇過就算, 唔好當真呢!! :)