2014年7月6日 星期日

Sai Sai

Our beloved cat Sai Sai passed away this morning, at the age of 15.  We miss him so much, and love him forever.  Rest in Peace, my dear.  You had suffered too much from your long time illness, it is time to take a good sleep, sleep well.

- big kisses from Mommy and Daddy.

6 則留言:

  1. Sai Sai 去到彩虹橋會生活得開心健康 , Grey ee 唔好咁難過呢~!!
    啱啱我公公都過咗身 , 媽媽都好難過 , 所以明白 ee 嘅心情 , 大家加油呢~!!

    1. 咕碌媽, 節哀順變, 唔好太傷心, 小心身體要緊, 重有一大一細要你照顧起居飲食ga!

  2. Hi, sorry about 細細. What went wrong? I thought the vet said he was okay before
    letting him come home. Other complications? Or did he died in his sleep?

    Take care

    1. they have found out that he had lots of complications, the situation was up and down all the time, the last three days he could not breath properly, and refuse to eat and drink, I moved him back to Sai Kung Branch and hoped that we could bring him home after he can eat by himself, but he died next morning. He had suffered a lot during these years of diabetes, body weight dropped from 16lbs to 6lbs, he became so sad. It is a relief to Sai Sai and the family, he left by himself, I don't have to make the decision to put him to sleep or not, Sai Sai is always a good boy.
